Getting Started

Welcome! So, you’re ready to sell your home? You came to the right place! Rosie’s Team is here to help you get started. Selling a home is an exciting process and truth-be-told it can be overwhelming for most people – you are not alone. That’s why the key to getting started is to find a good Listing Agent. Listing agents help their clients sell their home and navigate the real estate market. Someone knowledgeable and someone who you feel comfortable with. This is the winning combination to a stress-free transaction from start to close.



What Does a Listing Agent Do?

A Listing Agent will guide you through the home-selling transaction and be ready to help you regarding any questions or concerns. A Listing Agent will:

Help Price the Property to Sell. A good Listing Agent will be familiar with your market and be able to perform a market analysis to determine the optimal listing price for your property. A Listing Agents goal will be to sell your home for the highest possible price in a timely manner.

Advertise and marketing. Signs, social media, MLS system, flyers, tours, open houses and more

Negotiate the offer.The Listing Agent will present all offers and advise clients on what the specific terms mean. The agent will also make recommendations regarding an acceptance, a counteroffer, or a rejection.

Recommend other professionals.A Listing Agent should also be able to refer you to reliable mortgage brokers, real estate attorneys, home inspectors, movers, and other real estate professionals. This can also help expedite each step of the process and move you to a successful real estate sale.

Help overcome setbacks.If the inspection or appraisal brings new issues to light, a Listing Agent will advise you on how to proceed with the transaction, and then act as a buffer between you and the buyers or their broker. If negotiations become heated or hostile, it’s extremely helpful to have an experienced professional to keep things calm and offer productive solutions.


How Do I Find a Great Listing Agent?

You should not take the first Listing Agent you meet, or blindly accept the recommendation of a friend (more than half do this). Instead, it’s best to interview at least three agents and ask them a few questions, including the following, and then chose who you feel most comfortable with verses the lowest rate available.  Real estate is a lot like most things in life “you get what you pay for”. And this is not a transaction to cut corners with.

What neighborhoods do you specialize in? Real estate requires local expertise, so you should find an agent who’s extremely familiar with the area your home is located in.

What’s your schedule and availability? Part-time real estate agents who are committed can do a fine job, but if you have multiple offers coming in or you encounter last-minute closing snafus, you want an agent who will be readily reachable.

How long have you been a real estate agent? You ideally want someone with a couple of years of experience, and a proven track record of selling homes.


What is The Listing Agent Contract?

Once you agree to work with someone, you will usually sign a contract called an “exclusive right to sell agreement.” This contract gives a detailed outline of the agent’s services and compensation.


How much do Listing Agents cost?

Broker fees can vary so do not be afraid to ask questions. Upon a market analysis, an agent should provide a net figure of all your costs involved in the sale of your property. Some brokers charge a flat fee, or a commission based on the sales price. Contact Rosie’s team to learn more about our program.


Can I Sell My Home Without a Listing Agent?

The short answer here is yes – it is legal to sell your home without a listing agent. However, you want to consider the value that selling your home with a licensed agent can provide. Remember that a real estate deal is a legal transaction that involves contacts, disclosures and often times a lot of money. You probably wouldn’t feel comfortable walking into a court room without a lawyer representing you. A real estate transaction is much the same, only the professional you want to represent you and help get you the best deal possible is a Listing Agent.

A primary reason why homeowners want to sell their home by owner is to cut costs. However, most often home owners make less money from their transaction than if they would have used an agent because they do not know how to properly price their home, navigate fees and negotiate offers. Remember that a Listing Agents job is to get you the most money for your home, and while you may have to pay them to do so, they are experts at navigating transactions in the best interest of their client.